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Hacker Public Radio

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Bob Tregilus

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: 251


hpr1386 :: Hacking Public Policy: The Underground Press

Monday, 2013-11-25. 01:15:07. Clean. general.
public policy, media, underground press, alternative press, outreach, education, activism, radicalism, community organizing.

An exploration on how to hack public policy

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1310 :: Energy Democracy defined

Friday, 2013-08-09. 00:33:21. Clean. general.
energy, democracy, feed-in tariff, solar, wind, energy justice, public utilities, electric grid, co-op, germany, energiewende.

A special panel discussion episode of This Week in Energy (TWiE)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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