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: 156


hpr921 :: Tag Team Chase Douglas Interview with Alison Chaiken

Friday, 2012-02-10. 00:45:39. Explicit. Interviews.
multitouch, uTouch, Canonical, Wayland.

Markoz and Alison Chaiken interview Chase Douglas of Canonical

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr838 :: Martin Peres @ XDC

Wednesday, 2011-10-19. 00:39:26. Explicit. Interviews., nVidia card, nouveau driver, nvacounter, Arduino, arduide.

Interview with Martin Peres at XDC 2011

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr833 :: Ian Romanick Interview at X.Org Developer Conference (XDC) 2011

Tuesday, 2011-10-11. 00:22:41. Explicit. Interviews., Mesa, OpenGL.

Interview with Ian Romanick at XDC 2011

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr830 :: Peter Hutterer Interview at X.Org Developer Conference (XDC) 2011

Thursday, 2011-10-06. 00:26:41. Explicit. Interviews., xinput, multitouch.

Interview with Peter Hutterer at XDC 2011

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr825 :: Jamey Sharp Interview at X.Org Developer Conference (XDC) 2011

Thursday, 2011-09-29. 00:20:26. Explicit. Interviews.
X.Org Developer Conference, XDC, XCB.

Interview with Jamey Sharp at XDC 2011

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr733 :: Linux Packaging Systems (too many)

Tuesday, 2011-05-24. 00:17:31. Explicit. general.
linux, packaging, package manager.

Why marcoz thinks there are too many packaging systems for Linux, and how that's harmful

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr683 :: Xorg GSoC call for students

Wednesday, 2011-03-16. 00:04:52. Explicit. general.
google summer of code, gsoc,

A call for contributors to X.Org during Google Summer of Code

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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