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: 154


hpr693 :: Terminally Stupid Episode 3

Wednesday, 2011-03-30. 00:13:45. Explicit. general.
Terminally Stupid, fun, comedic.

Mrs. Xoke scours the net to find us those that hit rock bottom and started digging.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr686 :: Terminally Stupid Episode 2

Monday, 2011-03-21. 00:12:58. Explicit. general.
Terminally Stupid, fun, comedic.

Mrs. Xoke scours the net to find us those that hit rock bottom and started digging.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr678 :: Terminally Stupid Episode 1

Wednesday, 2011-03-09. 00:09:16. Explicit. general.
Terminally Stupid, fun, comedic.

Mrs. Xoke scours the net to find us those that hit rock bottom and started digging.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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