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Hacker Public Radio

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: 136


hpr690 :: Resources for Autodidacts

Friday, 2011-03-25. 00:11:16. Explicit. general.
learning, tutorial.

Resources for autodidacts - those that learn without the benefit of a teacher or formal education

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr645 :: The Dinosaur's Dilemma

Friday, 2011-01-21. 00:21:08. Explicit. Interviews.
education, Second Life, HTML, CSS.

Curbuntu interviews Baylee Juran, a public-school teacher

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr609 :: I Blame Tom Merritt

Thursday, 2010-12-02. 00:13:13. Explicit. general.
Ubuntu, IBM mainframe, Tom Merritt.

A new host speaks of his first inklings of a Windows-free world

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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