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Kevin Benko

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: 113


hpr398 :: Intro to Iptables

Thursday, 2009-07-09. 00:41:44. Explicit. general.
iptables, packet, packets, networking, ipfw, ipchains, netfilter, IP filter, Linux, kernel, TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, TCP/IP, Internet Protocol (IP), firewall, stateful firewalling, NAT.

Kevin Benko gives an introduction to Linux iptables and packet filtering

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr314 :: LVM2

Friday, 2009-03-13. 00:43:08. Explicit. general.
Linux, logical volume manager, partition.

Kevin gives a brief and basic overview of Logical Volume Management, or LVM.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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