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EC Lug

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: 93


hpr344 :: EC Lug March 12th Meeting

Friday, 2009-04-24. 01:53:03. Explicit. general.
Homemade projector screen, Nvidia drivers, Pulseaudio, tab completion, bash, irc, open source.

March 12, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr322 :: EC Lug Feb 19th Meeting

Wednesday, 2009-03-25. 01:46:43. Explicit. general.
Nvidia, video drivers, video encoding, python, raw image tools.

The Feb. 19th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr319 :: EC LUG Feb 12th Meeting

Friday, 2009-03-20. 01:14:17. Explicit. general.
Linux, encryption, twitter, beer, microcontroller, flash.

The Feb. 12th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr308 :: EC Feb 05 Meeting

Thursday, 2009-03-05. 00:43:28. Explicit. general.
Linux, Gimp, Printers.

The Feb. 5th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr296 :: EC LUG Jan 15 meeting

Tuesday, 2009-02-17. 00:33:53. Explicit. general.
Linux, AMD, cooling, overclocking, circuit simulation, music.

The Jan. 15th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr288 :: EC Lug Meeting Jan 12th

Friday, 2009-02-06. 01:57:20. Explicit. general.
Linux, router, printers, Slackware, Virtualbox.

The Jan. 12th, 2009 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr272 :: EC Lug December 18th Meeting

Wednesday, 2009-01-14. 02:04:38. Explicit. general.
Linux, Books, printers, dvd backup, copyright, newsletter.

The Dec. 18th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr266 :: EC Lug Decemeber 11th Meeting

Tuesday, 2009-01-06. 01:37:28. Explicit. general.
Linux, RAID, vnc, zeroconf, programming.

The Nov. 20th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr235 :: EC Lug November 20th Meeting

Monday, 2008-11-24. 00:08:47. Explicit. general.
Linux, printers, drivers.

The Nov. 20th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr232 :: EC Lug November 13th Meeting

Wednesday, 2008-11-19. 01:26:05. Explicit. general.
Linux, Kubuntu, regex coach, TiddlyWiki, FSlint, servers, voting machines.

The Nov. 13th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr226 :: EC Lug November 11th meeting

Tuesday, 2008-11-11. 01:26:06. Explicit. general.
wedding announcement, brewing, torrent, openSuse, Gentoo, HP printers, HP ink, mp3 player, Ipod, Rockbox, DRM, Blu-ray, mp3 bitrates, NES Emulator, ROMs, patents, video formats, Open Office, render farms.

The November 11th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr220 :: EC Lug October 30th Meeting

Monday, 2008-11-03. 01:27:11. Explicit. general.
linux, lug, meeting, media, install.

The October 30th, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr214 :: EC Lug October 23 Meeting

Friday, 2008-10-24. 01:25:01. Explicit. general.
linux, lug, meeting, tequila, media, compilers, circuits, pdf, advertising.

The October 23rd, 2008 Eau Claire Linux User Group meeting

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr204 :: EC Lug October 9th meeting

Friday, 2008-10-10. 01:35:59. Explicit. general.
printers, zip drivers, installation, face recognition, firmware, music copyright.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr199 :: EC Lug October 2 meeting

Friday, 2008-10-03. 01:35:40. Explicit. general.
devices, raspberry, network application, login, security, articles.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr194 :: EC Lug September 25 meeting

Friday, 2008-09-26. 01:31:54. Explicit. general.
video drivers, diversity, security, hacking, flash.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr191 :: EC Lug August 14 Meeting

Tuesday, 2008-09-23. 01:40:25. Explicit. general.
recording, installation, mailserver, open source, kde.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr176 :: EC Lug August 21 Meeting

Tuesday, 2008-09-02. 02:10:49. Explicit. general.
alarm clock, ubuntu, soft radio, automation, robot, music, reuse machines.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr158 :: EC LUG July 31 Meeting

Thursday, 2008-08-07. 01:06:34. Explicit. general.
linux, installation, community size, licensing, public domain, source hosting.

This is a recording of the Eau Claire Linux Users Group Meeting.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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