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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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: 81


hpr58 :: Microcontrollers

Thursday, 2008-03-20. 00:25:49. Explicit. general.
microcontroller, pic, avr, 8-bit, maker.

Microcontroller description and how you can make use of them.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.159 :: Cygwin and Bash scripting

Wednesday, 2006-09-27. 00:24:32. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.102 :: Carriage Return

Tuesday, 2006-04-25. 00:15:39. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.74 :: WRT Hacking

Tuesday, 2006-02-28. 00:36:39. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.54 :: Remote Control Hacking

Tuesday, 2006-01-03. 00:15:32. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

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