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Chess Griffin

Thumbnail of Chess Griffin
: 76


hpr1203 :: templer: a static html generator

Wednesday, 2013-03-13. 00:08:55. Explicit. general.
templer, static site, perl, HTML::Template, Textile, Markdown.

An introduction to Steve Kemp's static site generator, written in Perl

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr34 :: Cowon D2 Review

Friday, 2008-02-15. 00:14:08. Explicit. general.
Cowon D2, Linux, BSD, Media Player.

Chess Griffin's talks about his Cowon D2, portable media player.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr20 :: lighttpd

Sunday, 2008-01-27. 00:11:01. Explicit. general.
web server, lighttpd, apache.

Introduction to lighttpd, aka "light-tee", and compare to Apache: configuration, features.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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