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Hacker Public Radio

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hpr564 :: robomofo

Saturday, 2010-08-14. 00:46:18. Explicit. general.
mobile computing, tablet, video glasses, Vuzix, Pandora, mini-ITX.

An innovative mobile computing platform, the "Robocop mobile computing fortissimo", aka robomofo

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr349 :: The Hacker Within

Friday, 2009-05-01. 00:25:22. Explicit. general.
interviews, hackers, computer science, high performance computing.

Thewtex interviews The Hacker Within computer science group

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr277 :: tmpfs

Wednesday, 2009-01-21. 00:07:17. Explicit. general.
tmpfs, ramdisk, filesystem.

Thewtex talks about tmpfs

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr88 :: Hiding and stripping program symbols

Thursday, 2008-05-01. 00:13:40. Explicit. general.
Symbols, Removing symbols, computing, computers.

thewtex explains how to Hide and strip program symbols

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.278 :: Cmake

Tuesday, 2007-09-04. 00:15:33. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

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