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Hacker Public Radio

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hpr39 :: Debian Live CD

Friday, 2008-02-22. 00:12:27. Explicit. general.
Linux, Debian, LiveCD, How to, linux iso's.

Information on Debian Live CD's and a small framework to build them.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr19 :: SILC

Thursday, 2008-01-24. 00:08:07. Explicit. general.
SILC protocol, SILC SDK, pidgin, irssi, irc, thread-safe, plugin, decentralized, scalable.

The Secure Internet Live Conferencing protocol.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.291 :: Ruby on Rails Primer

Monday, 2007-11-26. 00:10:14. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

Today with a Techie Ep.256 :: alkix live cd

Tuesday, 2007-06-19. 00:12:55. Clean. general.

Listen in mp3 format.

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